What are the characteristics of Generation Z and how do they shop?

What characterizes Generation Z and how they shop

Generation Z includes people born after 1995. In Poland there are about 9 million, which translates into almost 1/4 of the country’s population. What are the characteristics of this generation, how do they shop and how do theyób move online – verified by Criteo in its report entitled Gen Z.

Generation Z consists of people whoóthey don’t remember life without the internet and smartphonesów. Their ways of searching for productóThe number of vouchers sent, whether for purchase or consumption, varies considerably from the patternóin a way that is familiar to older generations. Their core values include: personalized experiences, use of mobile devices and use of mediaów via the internet.

This generation has already grown up with computers, smartphones and the Internet. And nowadays its representatives are graduating from university and entering the job market, thus becoming an important group of consumersów. The habits and behaviors of this group will have a significant impact on further development in the coming yearsóe-commerce sector.

What are the most important characteristics, habits and behaviors of this generation?

High purchasing power – Generation Z representatives spend a lot of money zaróboth online and offline. They spend especially on electronic equipment – average $220. online and 169 dollars. offline in about six months.

Use of mobile devices – generation Z uses mobile devices more often than representatives of other age groups – 11 hours a week, not counting work time and e-mails sent.

Media consumptionóon the Internet – Generation Z are the people whoóre targeted at watching and listening to medióOn the web (online movies, music, podcasts, TV shows). They spend 22 hours a week doing so.

Buying in traditional stores – 77% of peopleób generation Z prefers online shopping. However, as many as 80% are willing to shop in a stationary store if they have the time.

The role of websites and applications – For generation Z, websites and apps have more influence during the purchasing process than TV ads, web banners or search engine ads.

Personalization – Generation Z requires that the message addressed to them, even the advertising one, is always personalized.